Bhekuzulu Khumalo

Born in 1972 in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.

Since the late 1990s, he has been bothered by two intellectual concepts: infinity and the way knowledge is treated in economics. 

In 2004 he decided to tackle these questions whilst residing in Toronto, Canada. Knowledge in economy to him was a dangerous concept suggesting that knowledge only became important with the invention of the computer when knowledge is central to the survival of wild animals even though they do not have computers. 

He named the new economic discipline knowledge economics. It starts by giving knowledge a unit, the knowledge, allowing one to look at knowledge, even if abstractly, using scientific methodology. This led to the understanding that knowledge has key characteristics, it is discrete, and you can use statistical tools. It can be isolated otherwise it would be impossible to know anything, you will have to know everything or nothing. A thing must be consistent it can not be a rat today and a human an hour later. Knowledge is the information we know. What other thinker saw information the way Khumalo saw it.

He read enough philosophers, Western, and Eastern, none had what he wanted in their understanding of knowledge and its connection to knowledge. The information must have the same characteristics as knowledge. He found the answer in quantum physics. Information is discrete, can be isolated, and must be consistent.

As everything is information starting from the basic particle how do we get large information packages like galaxies and complex information packages like life. Khumalo realized in 2016 that it was all about relationships and all these relationships are random. It is a big deal; it means anybody given past relationships is capable of similar things as humans, and anyone can possess that knowledge. It is unscientific to suggest one is superior especially mentally as a group. He talked about it on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, CBC, interviewed by Robert McKeown. 

Khumalo was satisfied that he understood the concept of infinity. There is so much matter there, thus infinity is limited. Satisfied he understood the concept of time as related to knowledge economics. Time moves faster in countries with less economic activity and slower in countries with more economic activity. The more knowledge gathered slower is time in terms of gathering knowledge.

By 2019 the CBC had brought down Khumalo’s interview and shockingly had the ex-head of the Perimeter Institute Lee Smolin talking about how he suddenly realized it is all about information. Nobody seemed to care about the evidence showing the blatant collusion between Lee Smolin and the CBC to distort history. Why use a government institute for that kind of propaganda. 

Khumalo though couldn’t allow this blatant attempt to stop his self-financed science as a construction worker. The political system was looking for some other type of black but not Khumalo could only shrug his shoulders. 

Further investigation into information Khumalo realized after several papers in quantum physics and knowledge economics, his theory is not complete because there is one thing that nobody knows what it is, it can not be the odd one out, what is magnetism? In 2015 we knew what gravity is, a wave. In 2020 Khumalo did several experiments showing no matter the interference magnetism organizes into a wave. A new tool had to be invented to be able to carry out the experiments. 

For magnetism to organize into a wave always means it is a particle. This has profound effects on quantum physics.
• To organize into a wave means it is travelling through a finer medium, that must be the ether meaning the 1907 Nobel award could have been wrongly awarded. 
• Being a particle means the north and south poled phenomenon are anti-particles of each other. 
• When the north and south poles meet, they annihilate each other causing a “vacuum” that is why they snap together. They annihilate each other because they can occupy the same space.
• When similar poles meet they push each other away because they can not occupy the same space. 
• The standard model must include the highly unstable magnetic particle to be more complete. It is highly unstable and most of the stuff has disappeared within 2 jiffies, a jiffy being the amount of time it takes light to travel 1 cm.
• Being a particle means that the magnetic moment of a charged particle means it is realizing a magnetic particle. This means if we could track its magnetic signature, we can know the velocity of a charged particle meaning ironically the Heisenberg principle does not apply to charged particles. 
• Still given time, but perhaps there it is what we couldn’t see, another similar action to entanglement, faster than light maths, because wherever it starts, after 5 jiffies surviving particles are there, no matter how far back or forward they start organizing into a wave. 

The most common resource in space is cosmic rays. Khumalo has written a white paper on doing experiments to deionize ionized particles. Doing that there will be endless hydrogen and oxygen available, especially hydrogen. We will not for example have to distort the moons or for that matter the Martian atmosphere by mining for rocks that contain water instead of Will not have to say that distorts the moon’s atmosphere as we mine rocks to get water, the dust takes a long to settle. Deionize cosmic rays.

Khumalo is a great believer in the ideals of liberty and freedom. He understands he put effort into his looking into knowledge and eventually quantum physics. Nobody had investigated magnetism, they didn’t know how, and Khumalo did something with it. Anybody can put effort into science, into thinking, into seeing what is wrong, knowledge has been the primary tool of survival since humans existed. 

For his initial look into knowledge as a commodity, scientifically he used tools he acquired whilst doing a master’s with Fairfax University. The First Internet University was hounded down by the system, now there are Internet universities everywhere. But that is where he acquired the extra tools to tackle such a difficult undertaking, knowledge is about having it, not about the system deciding who can participate. 

It is not politics, Khumalo used that initial knowledge from Fairfax to great effect. But playing politics and saying those qualifications do not count, then Khumalo with a BA in economics from Lesotho has done more for science than many with post PHDs in physics from Oxford and Harvard. But that is not how knowledge works, bad colonial thinking, Khumalo as an individual used his chances better, and was able to accept big names were wrong, and eventually discovered. He had good skills in statistics initially. 

Incidentally, he was refused to make a full presentation at Canada Black Science Network because the excuse was that a post-Ph.D. in physics from Yale somehow makes one more of a scientist than starting with a theory and somehow making a discovery. Khumalo was surprised that black people would think like that, and then go and ask for money to help blacks discover. 

Khumalo has made two seasons of podcasts around the concept of relationships and science. 

Khumalo has been sustained by Tai Chi and what makes the internal arts, especially Qi Gong, he is very grateful for those few moments he can be silent and connect deeply just with himself. He first learned the art of listening to silence in the land of his birth.

All Khumalo’s work is self-financed as he works it out in seasonal construction work. An honor to discover a particle you saved money for working on a construction site and name the particle after your ancestors. The particle associated with magnetism is the khumalon. 

You can read his papers here.