Can we fully answer the “Biggest Questions Ever Asked”?
Below, we, the Research Team of the Syncritic Institute, present the greatest intellectual achievement of mankind so far – an arithmetic philosophical language in which we can unequivocally determine the truth or falsehood of all general notions and their real meaning.

This universal method of speaking, knowing and thinking was already known to some extent (unknown to us today) by the Pythagoreans and Plato, but it was part of their teachings transmitted only orally (the so-called unwritten teachings, agrapha dogmata). Plato once tried to use this method in his lectures, but he was not understood by his audience:
“Such was the condition, as Aristotle used often to relate, of most of the audience that attended Plato’s lectures on the Good. They came, he used to say, every one of them, in the conviction that they would get from the lectures some one or other of the things that the world calls good; riches or health, or strength, in fine, some extraordinary gift of fortune. But when they found that Plato’s Reasonings were of sciences and numbers, and geometry, and astronomy, and of good and unity as predicates of the finite, methinks their disenchantment was complete. The result was that some of them sneered at the thing, while others vilified it” [i].
In the following centuries such thinkers as the great medieval logician Ramon Llull (or Lullus, 1232 – 1315), who is now considered to be the forerunner of the concept of artificial intelligence[ii] (albeit his intelligence was quite genuine and real), dreamed about the creation of a universal method of speaking and thinking and tried to create it. The famous historian of medieval philosophy, Etienne Gilson, wrote about Llull and his famous Ars Magna et Ultima:
„Theology is the mother and the mistress of philosophy; there must therefore be the same accord between theology and philosophy that one always finds between cause and effect. The best way to reveal their fundamental agreement is to start with principles which are recognized and avowed by all. This is the reason why Ramon proposes the list of notions which figure on his tables, as principles common to all disciplines, self-evident, and without which there could be neither science nor philosophy. These principles are: goodness, greatness, eternity or duration, power, wisdom, will, virtue, truth and glory; difference, agreement, contrariety, principle, means, end, greater, equality, smaller. All beings are either implied in these principles, or develop according to their essence and their nature. Ramon Lull adds to his list-and therein lies the secret of the Great Art-the rules which allow the correct combining of these principles; he even invented revolving figures which made it possible to combine them more easily, and all the combinations that Lull’s tables make possible precisely correspond to all the truths and all the secrets of nature that the human intellect can attain in this life. The rules which control all the possible combinations of those principles are a series of general questions applicable to all that is, for instance: what, why, how, which, when, where, and others of the same kind. As to the operations which enable us to relate particular things to universal principles by means of rules, they assume logical and metaphysical notions which Lull seems to put on the same level as the rest and to consider as equally evident. In a dialogue in which we see Lull convince an exceptionally docile Socrates, the Greek philosopher accepts as naturally evident propositions from which immediately results a demonstration of the Trinity. For instance, Lull considers as one of the rules of his art that human intelligence can rise above the verifications of the senses and even correct them; he also asks Socrates to admit that reason can criticize itself, with God’s help, and sometimes recognize in itself the reality of a divine influence, whose effects it feels even though it cannot understand it. Socrates willingly admits that the intellect transcends the senses and must sometimes even transcend itself in recognizing the necessary existence of things which it does not understand. Lull’s art largely consists in begging ahead of time the principles from which the expected agreement must necessarily follow. But the technical processes thanks to which he believed he could teach the uninstructed and convince the unbelievers contained the germ of an idea which had quite a future. Those revolving tables on which Lull inscribed his fundamental concepts are the first attempt of that “combinative Art” that Leibniz, who remembered his mediaeval predecessor, also failed to constitute. It is by no means certain that the project of Ramon Lull is dead”[iii].
In later times the modern mathematician, thinker and philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646 – 1716) created the basis for the arithmetic logical calculus characteristica universalis,[iv] which was part of his projected universal philosophical language (“Lingua philosophica”)[v]. In this language, it would be grammatically correct to speak the truth only.
However, Leibniz did not finish developing his system. Only our Research Team managed (also by using modern mathematical structures) to open and develop this old Pythagorean project of fully abstract thinking and solving every general problem. This method, described in detail below in the pdf for download, can only be fully understood and utilized through completely abstract thinking.
Using this brilliant general method we reconstructed and developed, we will soon start to answer on these pages all of the most important questions facing humanity, such as these or those.
We’ll start by giving definitive answers to the five most important questions:
1. Is the universe deterministic?
2. What is life?
3. Will we ever have the theory of everything?
4. What comes after humans?
5. What happens after you die?
We will provide the first answers this year, and the answer to the fifth and final question in this series will be provided, according to our predictions, on Halloween 2025. This answer will be absolutely surprising, will ultimately free man from the fear of death, and finally give us freedom of choice.
[i] Alexander of Aphrodisias, Successions of Philosophers, 30,15 – 31,5.
[ii] Fidora, A., Sierra, C. Ramon Llull: From the Ars Magna to Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, IIIA Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Barcelona, Spain.
[iii] Gilson, É. History of Christian Philosophy in the Middle Ages, Random House, 1955.
[iv] Leibniz, G.W. „Elemente der Allgemeinen Charakteristik“; in: G.W. Leibniz, Fragmente zur Logik, Berlin 1960, p. 170 – 240.
[v] Leibniz, G.W. Opuscules et fragments inédits de Leibniz, Extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque royale de Hanovre par Louis Couturat, Paris 1903.
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The Syncritic Academy is a social and scientific initiative established by people with the highest IQ in the world