The New Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen [2022]

After two tragic world wars and many other collapses and conflicts, it seemed that the world had learned to move towards respect for human rights, international law, and various forms of cooperation.

But unfortunately history shows signs that the world is receding. Not only are anachronistic conflicts intensifying, but closed, harsh and aggressive nationalisms are renewing, and new wars of domination are renewing, affecting civilians, the elderly, children, the sick and causing destruction everywhere.

Reasonable people, however, look for the reason of this state of affairs. We know that the universe is reasonable and that nothing happens without a reason. So, since the world is going backwards, it must be so from a reasonable point of view. The apparently modernist concepts of human rights, international law, and various forms of cooperation constitute a dead-end street from which one has to withdraw and to build a new one.

At a time when rational justice has been replaced by common sense law, and the existence of the institution of the power of clemency, which is supposed to restore justice, shows that justice has become clemency instead of a right that belongs to everyone, the world is waiting for new solutions that restore the dignity of man as a rational being.

Taking this into account, we hereby present the New Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen.


1. Men are born and remain accountable to their Creator and unequal in rights. Social distinctions must be founded because of the differences in people’s intelligence, i.e. differences in the ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood and evil from good, and upon the general good.

2. The aim of all political association is the preservation of the natural and imprescriptible rights of man. These rights are responsibility, dignity, emplacement, distinction and striving for self-realization. Striving for self-realization is always pursuit for truth.

3. The principle of all sovereignty resides essentially in the reason. No body nor individual may reasonably exercise any rule which does not proceed directly from the rules of reason.

4. Liberty consists in the freedom of self-realization; hence the exercise of the natural rights of each man has its limits in their individual vocation. These limits can only be determined by reason i.e. conscience.

5. Law can only prohibit such actions as are hurtful to human development and self-realization. Nothing may be prevented which is not forbidden by law, and no one may be forced to do anything not provided for by their individual vocation.

6. Law is the expression of the laws of the Universe, i.e. the universal laws. Everything that is universal must manifest itself in what is individual, i.e. to fully exist, it must be individualized. Every legislature must base its actions on this fundamental truth. The law must be individualized, i.e. it should be different for different people, whether it protects or punishes. All individual human beings, being completely individual, i.e. different and unequal in the eyes of the law, are unequally eligible to all dignities and to all public positions and occupations. It depends of their abilities, virtues and talents. The position that a given man or woman may occupy in society should depend to the greatest extent on his or her intelligence, i.e. on the ability to distinguish truth from falsehood and good from evil. As long as there is only one depersonalized law for everyone, no one is able to claim their own personal rights.

7. No person shall be accused, arrested, or imprisoned except in the cases and according to the forms prescribed by universal ethics. Any one soliciting, transmitting, executing, or causing to be executed, any arbitrary (not reasonably justified) law, shall be punished. We proceed from the obvious fact that acting in accordance with the dictates of reason and conscience distinguishes a man from an animal. Therefore, any attempt to penalize human action in accordance with the dictates of conscience and reason must itself be penalized. Any citizen summoned or arrested in virtue of an arbitrary (not justified) law shall without delay resist to such an offense.

8. Any conception of justice entirely based on relative, human-made law is absolutely unjustified and is against the universal law, i.e. the law(s) of the universe.

9. No one shall be disquieted on account of the fulfillment of his vocation.

10. A society in which the observance of the universal law is not assured, nor the constitutional separation of human individuals defined, has no constitution at all.

11. Reason is the most precious gift we have received from being of the universe, i.e. the Universal Being. No one shall be disquieted on account of seeking the truth in a reasonable way.

12. The free communication of ideas and opinions (especially including scientific ideas and philosophical opinions) is one of the most precious of the rights of man. Any attempt to obstruct free rational discussion and block the publication of new scientific ideas (as is the case today) must be considered an offense against progress, i.e. a felony against the vocation of man, i.e. a crime against humanity.

13. All the citizens have a right to consciously decide, in proportion of their intelligence (i.e. in proportion of their conscious i.e. moral abilities), on the direction of their own development and the direction of the development of our common civilization.

14. The costs of seeking justice before the law (in the form of time, energy and material resources) must never be charged to the wronged party (as this creates a new injustice). This is because justice is no longer a cause for which we fight, nor a goal towards which we strive. Justice must be established once and for all, for it is an indispensable instrument in the struggle for harmony and in the search for truth.

15. Since no man is identical with any of his particular acts, a man must never be condemned for any particular act in isolation from his other acts and from his whole life and his entire person.

16. The destiny of human temporal law is to enable man to fulfill his eternal destiny.

17. All particular human rights follow from the universal right left to man by being of the Universe, i.e. the Universal Being.