[The Manifesto below is the result of a dialogue with the most important man-made programming texts such as Declaration of Independence, Declaration of the Rights of Man, Manifesto of the Communist Party or Constitution of 3 May]
We the Holders of the highest intelligence available to Man today, in Order to form a more perfect human Civilization, establish Truth and Justice, insure domestic Harmony, provide for the common values, promote the general Development, and secure the Blessings of Humanity to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Syncritic Academy for very High IQ People. When creating it, we will refer to the tradition of the Union of the Pythagoreans (who were the first in history to discover reason) and to the noble ideas of the Platonic Academy.
Recognizing that the destiny of us all depends solely upon the establishment and perfection of this Syncritic Academy, having by long experience learned the inveterate faults of the mankind, and desiring to take advantage of the season in which the world finds itself and of this dying moment that has restored us to ourselves, free of the ignominious dictates of dread and fear, holding dearer than life, than personal happiness the social existence, spiritual independence and internal liberty of the people whose destiny is entrusted to hands of us, the high IQ people, and desiring to merit the blessing and gratitude of contemporary and future generations, despite obstacles that may cause passions in us, we do for the general good, for the establishment of wisdom and justice, for the preservation of our civilization and its perspectives, with the utmost constancy of spirit ordain this Manifesto and declare it to be entirely sacred and inviolable.
The purpose of our Academy is to obtain and secure collective eternity for all mankind and individual perpetuity for all kinds of men. This reason will be achieved through awakening the sleeping human reason and thus freeing man from fear that prevents humanity from developing and prevents man from taking advantage of his dormant opportunities. For this purpose, the academy will strongly support the most intelligent individuals in their cognitive and creative activity and by encouraging them to work for the benefit of humanity. Thanks to the work of the most intelligent people, we will begin to understand the Universe in which we live, see the reasons for Its existence and the goals towards which the Universe is heading, and of which we are a part. Understanding all of this will make human life aware of the meaning of existence. Nowadays, the human species is deprived of this awareness and walks blinfoldly ahead, like a blind man who does not know whether the road he is taking leads him to a precipice, a dead-end street or a paradise.
Following the enlightened example of the sages and thinkers of antiquity, we reject the equivalence of spiritual and material goods and accept (as Marcus Tullius Cicero has already noted) that only a life in accordance with the spiritual and rational nature of man is the highest human good. As individuals capable of logical thinking, we know that man is a rational being by nature, that is, to live in harmony with man’s nature is precisely to live in accordance with reason, and therefore, first of all, to have a spiritual life. Such life is honest and as such constitutes a person’s dignity and moral integrity. Our ethical position is the idea that people’s behavior is subordinated to orders and norms dependent on rational criteria. Good, then, according to these necessary assumptions, is what can be rationally justified, which always meets the requirements of the spirit and the body serving it.
Contemporary democratic societies, as a result of the long-term use of the “level down” mechanism, have led to the elimination of reason as the highest cognitive power of man. This, in turn, eliminated the values associated with reason from social and political life. The executive of the modern state is but a committee for managing the short-term common affairs of the whole society and its specific groups. As a result, it is impossible to implement a long-term vision of human development and man has ceased to be the master of his fate.
The democracy, historically, has played a most revolutionary part. The contemporary democracy, however, wherever it has got the upper hand, has put an end to all feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relations. It has pitilessly torn asunder the motley feudal ties that bound man to his Originator, and has left remaining no other nexus between man and man than naked self-interest, than callous “cash payment”. It has drowned the most heavenly ecstasies of religious fervour, of chivalrous enthusiasm, of philistine sentimentalism, in the icy water of egotistical calculation. It has resolved personal worth into exchange value, and in place of the numberless indefeasible chartered freedoms, has set up that single, unconscionable freedom – Free Trade and broadly understood exchange of goods. In one word, for exploitation of human intelligence, veiled by lofty ideological illusions, it has substituted naked, shameless, direct, brutal exploitation of human intelligence for low, often purely material purposes. Our society is a society in which people didn’t count, only maximizing profit. In which community was merely a cost factor, the environment a resource. Efficiency a religion, order its shrine and the ego its God.
The modern democracy has stripped of its halo every occupation hitherto honoured and looked up to with reverent awe. It has converted the physician, the lawyer, the priest, the poet, the man of science, into its paid wage labourers. The contemporary democracy has torn away from the family its sentimental veil, and has reduced the social dimension of the family relation to a mere material relation.
The democracy has disclosed how it came to pass that the brutal display of spiritual vigour in the Middle Ages, which our post-industrial epoch so much hates, found its fitting complement in the most slothful indolence of our times. However, it has been the first to show what man’s material activity can bring about. It has accomplished wonders far surpassing Egyptian pyramids, Roman aqueducts, and Gothic cathedrals; it has conducted expeditions that put in the shade all former Exoduses of nations and Worldview changes. It took control of the seas and land, significantly extended the average human life, provided greater comfort of this life and reached the Moon. But the idea has run out and the world is now suffocating in a phase of technical and scientific regression. We have long stopped flying to the Moon, we are not planning any more realistic expedition to Mars (which Werner von Braun had planned for some time ago), we no longer fly supersonic planes across the Atlantic. In view of the depletion of fossil fuels, modern decision-makers, being people with low intelligence, try to compulsively convert combustion-engine cars into electric ones, although the latter are much less practical to use (electric batteries have a much lower energy density than oil or gasoline) and – due to the insufficient amount of raw materials for building batteries – they probably can never be produced. in sufficient quantity. As N. Carlson has already noted, “Other than in computers, civilization basically stopped progressing in the 1960s”. In view of the lack of skills needed to continue development and the fear of further development, the purpose of which seems frighteningly unclear, we replace the idea of growth with the concept of degrowth. However, the folding (instead of unfolding) the material basis of human development in the degrowth phase must eventually (in line with the idea of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs) lead to intellectual and moral regression.
Besides, as already Marks and Engels noticed (1848), the democracy cannot exist without constantly revolutionising the standard of living, and thereby the continuous economic growth, and with it the whole relations of society. Therefore, the concept of degrowth must result in something even lower than modern democracy – in political and ideological authoritarianism, which we already partially observe.
As Plato has suggested in The Republic, there are five systemic forms of the state, which can be ranked in the ethical hierarchy as follows (from the lowest to the highest form): 1. tyranny, 2. democracy, 3. oligarchy, 4. aristocracy, 5. monarchy. This hierarchy is logically dictated by the amount of law that each of these constitutional forms contains. There are no laws in tyranny (only the will of the tyrant counts). In a democracy, we already have a law, but only one and the same for all citizens, which means that nobody has their own rights there and, in effect, cannot effectively assert their rights. In oligarchic and aristocratic systems, the law is already differentiated according to the person, which causes the number of existing rights and the amount of law to increase. But it is only in a true monarchy that everyone has all their own individual rights, which makes the number of rights there and the amount of law there the greatest. Therefore, it is imperative to strive to create a true monarchy in which each of its citizens will be guaranteed their own proper place. This place is guaranteed by the personal, distinctive abilities of each person and the individual will to use them.
For now, the democracy still lives and values the collective more than the individual. It is afraid of those who have their own opinion and their own discernment, and values submissiveness and obedience more than high intelligence and independent mind. Contemporary society, to a greater and greater extent governed by average people, increasingly eliminates truly outstanding, above-average intelligent individuals from modern life. This process was described by Michael W. Ferguson in his famous article ‘The Inappropriately Excluded’. The most intelligent people in these conditions withdraw from active social life or hide their abilities, instead of using them for the further development of humanity and awakening humanity in humans. Democratic modern science, instead of seeking the eternal truth, only increasingly tries to respond to short-term social demands. As Harlan Ellison has already stated, “science bends to the will of the masses”. In order to be able to act in this opportunistic way, modern science has departed from the purely logical and rational criteria that guided all the great creators of science, from Pythagoras to Aristotle to Leibniz. However, this has now caused a complete stagnation in the sphere of basic research, about which Lee Smolin, Peter Woit, and Sabine Hossenfelder write alarmingly. Evidently any attempt to replace reason with criteria other than reason is unreasonable, that is, foolish.
In order to ensure the ability of further development of science and, consequently, the survival and further evolution of the human species, the Academy will establish the Syncritic Institute, which will be open to all IQ 175 SD 15 people involved in science
If we want our species to survive and continue to develop, to have its own harmonic vision of the future, and not just to react chaotically to new threats (like the pandemic or the Ukrainian War), we must replace these negative trends with new and different ones. The difference between reaction and response is responsible reflection.
The first Article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Paris, 1948) stated: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood”. However, one must be devoid of reason and conscience to be able to think that the world in its present form was arranged by beings with reason and conscience. In most people, reason is replaced by common sense (or only by faith and beliefs), and conscience is replaced at best by biological social instinct. If people really had reason and conscience, they themselves would act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood, and they would not have to be told by the others how to act. As you can see, common sense of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights itself does not perceive the contradiction in its statements and thus offends the human reason. We need now a new, reasonable declaration of just rights, i.e. a declaration of rights, which are justified by reason, not but common sense.
Since the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen (1789) also does not meet the requirements of timelessness, our Academy created the New Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, which refers directly to reason and justice.
We must go beyond the patterns of mass democracy and the associated collective thinking by creating rational elites composed of reasonable individuals. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created individual, i.e. mutually unequal, that they are endowed by their Creator with unalienable individual Rights, that among these are Reason, Truth and the pursuit of Self-realization.-That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the conscience of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall know most likely to positively effect their Reason, Purpose, Vocation and Self-realization.
This is associated with a special responsibility of eminently intelligent individuals, because (as the already mentioned Cicero noted) true virtue manifests itself only in the spirituality of sages, while in ordinary people it is hardly reflected or (sometimes intense, but short-lived) flashes. Only the most intelligent people with the highest cognitive potential, whose destiny and duty is to help others and take special responsibility for the development of the world, can become sages or simply wise men. These people should be provided with appropriate conditions for their responsible work and for their own spiritual development. Creating such conditions for people with the highest talents is necessary to enable the realization of their difficult vocation. For the more abilities a person has, the more work he has to put into using them.
In order to implement this higher responsibility of outstanding people, the Academy will develop and successively present scientific discoveries and intellectual achievements of our members. They include a new methodological approach to the exact sciences that develops inter alia the deep ideas of the Pythagoreans, Plato, Aristotle and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. This approach has already resulted in the solution of the problem of logical antinomies, the creation of a new math with division by zero, and the construction of the foundations of the Unified Field Theory by members of our Academy.
In order to secure the material base for the further, harmonic development of civilization and for the deepening and broadening of human consciousness, we will use the Unified Field Theory to derive (or to discover) previously unknown particular laws of physics and to create a new scientific description of phenomena. One of such new discoveries, included in the Unified Field Theory, is the knowledge of the components of the photon, the breakdown of which into these components in a strong magnetic field will lead us to obtain an anti-gravity drive and new, ultra-light construction materials (negmatter). Another law of physics that we have recently learned is the principle of converting time particles (chronons) into light particles (photons) and vice versa. This, in turn, leads directly to a partial mastery of time, and in particular, it opens the possibility of building a starship that can reach other galaxies in a relative (local starship’s) time shorter than that of a human life. It will also allow you to travel into the future (time machine) to know it and thus (because of spiral-like structure of time) to the past to renew it. All this opens up completely new possibilities for human species that will change both human consciousness and develop our civilization and culture in an unbelievable way.
The Unified Field Theory also enables the description of many other beautiful physical phenomena that we already observe many times now, but do not understand their nature.
Our other achievements, not directly related to the Unified Field Theory, include the discovery of an extraordinary, fundamental law of nature, the existence of which was already predicted by G.W. Leibniz, and which we named the Rule of Chance. This Rule says that there are no independent events in the Universum; everything is related to everything and is part of a larger whole that can be described by a mathematical formula.
Members of our Academy have also solved the age-old mystery of the nature of time. We are able to prove that time is a curvature of space and at the same time natural time has a spiral nature. Our linear time is principally passing, and therefore it is passing by its principle by. So it turns its back on it. So it turns. Hence, it turns around. Then it turns around its principle. And it screws it.
Another discovery, which is significant for the humanity, is our understanding of the essence of life and the definition of each living thing. We discovered that the first reliable qualification of life and living organism is contained in Plato’s Phaedrus. This highly logical Pythagorean-Plato’s knowledge, based on the deep reasonable insight, was overlooked and misunderstood in the next, more superficial epochs. However, using this definition and deep understanding of this topic by the ancient Greeks today opens up new perspectives. This classical view should now be related to the ability of creating the DNA code and, consequently, creating living creatures from dead organic matter in strong magnetic field. Despite the simplistic views on the supposedly linear nature of science in the modernist era, science (and the world of which science is a part of) develops in a spiral rather than linear fashion. Deep old views and discoveries are often forgotten and hidden, so that after many years they can rise to the surface again, but this time in a more mature and specific form. In that way, we can now use the early view on biological life to realize the age-old dream of mankind, contained in the legends of the Pygmalion and the Golem, and in such works as “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley.
All these achievements must seem improbable, but the truth means certainty, and certainty lies well beyond what is merely probable.
The Academy possesses also knowledge about other basic and fundamental issues, including the surprising knowledge about life after death, which was obtained for the first time in a strict, logically necessary way. This immortal kind of wisdom humanity, tormented with fear for the end of its being on the Earth, has been searching for from the very beginning of its existence in this world. Despite the instinctive resistance that people have had for thousands of years and still have before reflecting on death and gaining exact knowledge about it, it has always been the most important knowledge in our lives. As Marcus Tullius Cicero already noted, the human mind certainly links its hopes to the posthumous future and does not close all its thoughts within the boundaries of life. Otherwise, we would certainly not have put ourselves through such exhausting efforts, so many troublesome worries that would keep us from sleeping, and moreover, we would not have fought for life itself.
We have always felt that death is the most important thing in life. Our whole waking life is a daydream about death, but it is only death that awakens our life in full. These kinds of general truths have always been present in religions and philosophical thoughts, but until today we have lacked specific knowledge of what life in death and life after death look like. This knowledge was first sensed by the twentieth-century Russian mystical writer and thinker Alexei Riemizov (1877 – 1957), but even his vision was still lacking in specificity. Today, the final knowledge about the essence of death will drastically change our lives for the better and will give a new, final direction to the development of civilization and the entire human community. For now, however, we will only hand it over to members of the Academy. We will act like this because the reason for eternity is because of the existence of human reason that creates it for all of us.
As the principles of the Pythagorean-Platonic dialectics, introduced by Plato in Phaedo, did say, just as love is hatred of hatred, courage is fear of fear, and permanence comes with the passing of passing, so death is the revival of life. As Euripides noted in the drama Phrixus “Who knoweth if to die be but to live, and that called life by mortals be but death?”
Since death only enlivens life, death consists only of life. But since death is the revival of life, then death is the strengthening of life, that is, death is a synthesis of life, its summation. But just as hydrogen and oxygen in their synthesis give life-giving water, which is something completely different from hydrogen or oxygen, so also death, synthesizing all the elements of life, gives a new and absolutely different life quality. Therefore, death radically breaks the continuity of life, while preserving it in its entirety. Consequently developing these simple observations finally gives us a new and surprising knowledge of what life after death looks like. We will disclose this knowledge in due course.
As Xenophon already noted in his Socratic Dialogues, knowledge about life is always uncertain, while death is the only certain thing in life. Therefore, the only certain knowledge about life may be the knowledge about life after death. Possessing such knowledge at first will seem impossible, but reasonable truth is inherently necessity, and necessity goes beyond what is only possible.
When we finally show to all people our knowledge of death, man will be freed from fear. As it was said by Epictetus, we cannot escape death, but we can escape the fear of it.
Man freed from the fear of death (which fear is the greatest lie in life) will be open to true knowledge. For as long as man is trapped in fear, he employs mental defence mechanisms, and defence mechanisms distort perception. Consequently, people can only perceive the truth when it is close enough to their perception of reality. However, once man has sufficiently weakened – or even rejected – some of these defense mechanisms, he will be able to pass on our greatest discovery.
The greatest discovery owned by the members of the Institute is the arithmetic language of philosophy, i.e. the universal language, which makes it possible to distinguish truth from falsehood in all theses and general propositions, and makes it possible to understand reality to an unprecedented degree. The language was once developed (to what extent is unknown) by the Pythagoreans and their successor Plato, and later searched and partly found by the medieval logician Ramon Lullus (Ars Magna et Ultima) and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (Lingua Philosophica). However, we are the first in modern time to managed to understand the essence of this language and develop it fully for the glory of the greatness of truth and to show the hidden possibilities of human reason. Now we will gradually pass this discovery on to our contemporaries. Having in our hands such a powerful thought tool as the universal language, we will discover not only our own destiny, but we will also find out who is He who created us and who we will eventually become ourselves. It will be the most interesting endeavour of all.
To carry out this endeavour, however, humanity needs guides and leaders in the form of individuals of much higher intelligence than the most intelligent individuals alive today. People with an IQ 190 SD 15 probably already lived in historical times and are still alive today. They have the ability to think abstractly, i.e. think with syncritical concepts. These people are able to fully perceive and understand general ideas. However, they do not yet have the cognitive abilities sufficient to perceive the unity of the Universe (i.e. the universal unity of all things), i.e. the ability to abstract from everything at once, to abstract absolutely and to abstract from the absolute. Only people with an IQ of 220 SD 15, i.e. those with intelligence at the level of eight standard deviations above the average, can have such an ability with all the miracle consequences. Only such people can distance themselves from the absolute (only such people can possess absolute distance) and thus they are able to see the Creator of All Things, i.e. understand the Ultimate Goal. The Gaussian normal distribution curve, according to which intelligence is statistically distributed in the human population, shows that in order for a human with an IQ of 220 SD 15 to be born, approx. 1.5×10 ^ 15 people, should live in the Universe. This means that for that purpose approx. 200,000 times more people than today should live in the Universe. To achieve this goal, it is necessary, of course, to spread our species throughout the universe by giving birth to offspring, caring for its full and happy development and the colonization of extrasolar planets. It is a task that needs to be started immediately and will continue for the next millennia. As the Scriptures says: “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it”. Reproduction does not come from a simple biological instinct. The purpose of this instinct is to create such a quantitative base of the human species which is absolutely needed to achieve human’s goal. Nowadays, especially in Western culture, people have a growing problem with motivation to bring new generations to life, i.e. they have a problem with noticing the sense of having children. This problem was already articulated by Leo Tolstoy in the “Kreutzer Sonata”. Currently, it manifests itself in the concept of world depopulation and in the belief that there are allegedly too many people in the world. It is true, however, that if someone really loves people, he wants as many people as possible. If, on the other hand, someone hates and is afraid of people, he wants to keep people as few as he can imagine.
Today, in numerous discussions in social media and on social forums, there is already a belief that the colonization of the universe is necessary for the further development of consciousness. People write that humans may be the only species that have overcome the cosmic odds to evolve higher consciousness. They also notic that it may be contingent upon us and us alone to overcome ever greater odds and expand consciousness throughout the rest of the universe. The evolution of our physical and technological capabilities is solved for. In the present stage of our evolution, it is humanity’s moral and ethical qualities being systematically put to test at scale and with great industry, as an evolutionary hurdle to be overcome for the expansion of consciousness.
The ultimate goal of developing our consciousness in the universe is to reach the divine level and become God. This is the goal that Pythagoras had already anticipated in his “Golden Verses”. In that way man can finally fulfill the spiral nature of time, give back what he got at the beginning and Create his Creator.
And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Labour and our Salvation.